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(C)1997 Russell McKenzie 4th Jan 97
Title : Welcome to The Terrors
Filenames : 9go.bsp, 9terrors.bsp
Author : Russell McKenzie
Email Address : russell@netconx.demon.co.uk
Description : SINGLE PLAYER/deathmatch (?) level for Quake.
9GO.BSP is the difficulty selecting start map
for single players. It's got no DM or co-op
starts, so for these types of games try going
straight to 9TERRORS.BSP.
A compact and bijou residence suitable for
the DIY enthusiast, as estate agents say.
Designed for single play mostly, but it may
work for co-op or DM games with up to four
players, but not flag/team.
It's not the prettiest level ever, but if I
tell you it's my first effort at a level will
you forgive me ?
Additional Credits to : ID software, the coolest ones. Ben Morris,
author of the most excellent Worldcraft map
editing suite. Simon Weeds, for keeping a
roof over my head when I'd otherwise be
homeless. Staff at Network Connections.
Hi to Willi Geiger.
* Play Information *
Single Player : YES ! That's who it's for.
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Possibly, but only with 9TERRORS.BSP
Deathmatch 2-16 Player : Ditto. 4 Deathmatch start points.
Difficulty Settings : Yes. I recommend hard.
New Sounds : No.
New Graphics : No.
New Music : No.
Demos Replaced : None.
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch (thanks to Jimmy
McKinney for the archpack.zip file, I did use
his prefabricated arches in my 9go.bsp start)
Editor(s) used : Worldcraft v1.0
Build time : I spent five days or so working on this.
My 6x86 P120+ 32MB took: (to build 9terrors.bsp)
qbsp: Doesn't tell me. About a minute I reckon.
light-extra: 259 sec
vis-full: 211 sec visdatasize 12936 from 28740
Don't know how long 9go.bsp took.
Known Bugs : If you don't seem to be able to kill all the
monsters, it's not my fault, honest! There's
a bug John Cash (iD person) reported in
quake's fish counting. If you want to fix up
your version of quake, it's quite easy -
and the bug is in v1.06 as well as 1.01.
See below for instructions. I haven't a clue
whether it will deathmatch successfully or
not. Email and let me know if it pleases.
Don't bother if it doesn't though, it wasn't
intended to be a deathmatch arena. (I don't
even have a phone, let alone a home of my own
to deathmatch in!) Seems OK with bots though.
By the way, that's 9 terrors, not 9T errors:)
Installation : Put the 9terrors.bsp and 9go.bsp in a folder
(directory, to you DOSsers) inside the id1
folder inside the quake folder, i.e. its
location must be
Play : Start Quake, press the tilde key (~), (if
you're using a British keyboard you don't
use tilde, it's the key underneath escape,
next to 1, above Tab that you press) to bring
down the console, and enter MAP 9GO into the
console to go into single play. To play a
deathmatch game, you'll need to skip 9go
and play 9TERRORS instead.
* Copyright / Permissions *
You MAY distribute the file 9TERRORS.ZIP, provided you include this
file, with no modifications, and you don't charge anything for it.
You definitely MAY NOT include this quake level in a CD-ROM compilation
without my written permission, unless you happen to be Walnut Creek
CD-ROM of California. Anyone else must ask first (bribes will be
accepted.) And I request that you do not decompile the bsp files.
(You could always ask though.)
* Where do I get this file ? Duh, where am I, don't I already have it?
You must visit ftp.cdrom.com/pub/quake for all internet things quake
related and otherwise.
I quote from JC:
*fixed wrong total monster count
For all you progs programmers, look in monsters.qc
and remove the line "total_monsters = total_monsters + 1;"
in the function "swimmonster_start_go"
You can now download prog106a.zip (123KB) by Karel Suhajda, from
ftp.cdrom.com and mirrors, this contains a new progs.dat with the above
fix done, so you don't have to do any qc compiling if you don't want to.
To permanently fix quake, you'll also need to download some form of pak
file extractor/compactor utility, I use Winpak12.zip (122KB) by Antony
Barrat, it's very intuitive and simple.
If you're running quake 1.01, don't you know there's a q101-106.zip
upgrade file available from id software (and in ftp.cdrom.com) that
fixes some other slight bugs ? (Not the fish problem of course. 1.06
still needs the above fix.)
The instructions with these should get you going. Read the quake map
specs, they're most helpful for anyone interested in what goes on
inside quake.
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